Russian Business communication etiquette or how to contact a potential business partners in Russia.
Hello This article is the third official update to my book “Your First 50 Right Steps to Enter the Russian Food Market”. In the article “Why you should never buy databases for Russian or CIS markets”, I wrote that in Russia and the CIS it is customary to use a name and a patronymic for […]

Why you should never buy databases for Russian or CIS food markets. Only personal customization and individual compilation.
Hello. This article is the second official update to my book Your First 50 Right Steps to Enter the Russian Food Market . The other day I was working on an order from a European food company. As usual, at the beginning I developed a strategy and step by step tactics for entering the Russian food […]

How Russian food companies deceive foreigners and why you should always check your partners in Russia.
Hello. Today I would like to tell you a story from my practice about a Russian food company that wanted to deceive one of my foreign clients. In my new book “Your first 50 Right Steps to Enter the Russian Food Market” I devoted a whole chapter to this topic. I explained in detail why it […]

7 reasons why you need to work with Russians, not your fellow countrymen, when you enter to the Russian food market.
My experience shows that most foreign companies willing to enter the Russian food market try to contact their fellow countrymen living in Russia to get consulting on how to start their operation on the Russian market. As a Russian, I am very pleased that there are so many people who have come to Russia for […]

3 books I recommend reading to all my clients from Russia and whole World.
Hello. Those of you who follow my regular articles at LinkedIn or have read my website know that my clients are owners of food businesses not only from Russia, but also from many other countries of the world. They are people who have very little free time and I can understand it, but anyway I […]

Lack of customization for the Russian food market, on the example of a bread machine of a very famous global company.
Lack of customization for the Russian food market, on the example of a bread machine of a very famous global company. The basis of this post is my letter to the management of a very well-known global company that produces home kitchen equipment. After my wife gave me the bread maker of this company. During […]

What kind the main Russian governmental websites necessary to know all foreign companies to work on the Russian food market.
Hello. Most of main information a foreign businessman needs in order to work on the Russian food market is freely available on the Russian Internet. The Russian governmental policy is maximum openness. Therefore, in this my post I will tell you about main Russian governmental websites you will need as a foreign company if you […]