Trusted management of your food business\company in Russia.
My service “Trusted management of your food business\company in Russia”, for foreign business owners who are tired of managing their company themselves, but do not want to sell it. These owners would like to get aside for a while, so they need someone to look after their business and supervise the ongoing work so that […]
Crisis management of your food business in Russia. Fast and high quality. 100% guarantee.
My service “Crisis management of your food business in Russia” is one of the most complicated services. It requires to spot all the issues at a glance and to solve them as quickly as possible. It usually takes me one day to get the understanding of the situation in the food company. Then I discuss […]
Comprehensive analysis of all divisions of your food business in Russia.
“Comprehensive analysis of all divisions of your food business/company” is my favourite service. As you may have read on my website, I am an expert with unique experience in the Russian food industry. A person who has personal experience in leadership as a small top manager in twelve different food enterprises and work with more […]
Dismissing top managers at your Russian food business. Calmly and only by law.
My service “Dismissing top managers at your Russian food business” is one of the most frequently requested services. There are three types of owners who may need this service. Firstly, these are business owners who have hired a top manager and delegated him/her so much authority that the top manager has started to make decisions […]
Personal business adviser to foreign food company who already working in Russia.
My service “Personal business adviser to foreign food company who already working in Russia” is for those foreign food companies or foreign food owners who have been operating in the Russian market for a long time. Who has long understood that Russia and Russian people can be loved or not loved, but it is not possible […]